Uploading and Recording Audio

How to upload audio and record using the mobile app

Updated over a week ago

Uploading Audio

Just click on the orange box in the lower right corner to upload your audio files and create your first song!

every uploaded file will be in the mp3 192kbps within Session Studio. When you download the file, you'll get the same original format that was uploaded the first time, so you'll never lose quality! You can upload any mp3/wav/flac file and as soon as you do this, you can see the date, size, duration of the file and who uploaded it to the created song project.

Mobile Recording

On the mobile app you can also record directly into Session Studio through your mobile phone. This means you’ve got a great place to capture your ideas wherever you are, then share them with your collaborators. Or maybe your writing in person and what to capture what you’ve come up with, no problem with the mobile app installed.

You can also burst record with the app if you want to get a few ideas down quickly.

Please note that audio recorded on mobile is automatically set to private. Go to the 3 dots on the file, choose edit and then deselect private so your collaborators can then access the file

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